

Writing on the one-year anniversary

To be honest, I suddenly realized the feeling of "time flies" and "days pass like a shuttle" that our ancestors used to say. It feels like yesterday when we confessed our feelings, but in the blink of an eye, it has been a year. So, I want to write an article to commemorate this short but eventful year.

In the Beginning#

To be honest, I still haven't figured out whether she was the one who approached me or if I was the one who approached her. I probably won't figure it out for now, either.

In the early morning of November 7th last year, we were chatting about Singles' Day, and then she suddenly said, "It would be great if I could find someone on Singles' Day." Without thinking, I immediately replied, "I wish you the best." And then, at a visible speed, I could feel that the person on the other side of the screen was not happy.

Then I was puzzled. Why is this girl so hard to understand? Why is she angry? Did I say something wrong? Wait, could it be that she likes me? How could a silly programmer like me catch her attention? Meow? After repeatedly questioning her, she admitted it, and then we naturally became a couple.

Later, she complained to me:

  1. How could you ask a girl if she likes you or not?

  2. When you said, "I wish you the best," my first reaction was that this guy is clueless.

Getting Along#

She is a great piano major student, very talented, and can be considered a top student (I accidentally found out that even though she missed half a year of humanities classes during the college entrance examination, her score was still more than 50 points above the cutoff for first-tier universities. I was amazed). On the other hand, I am a mediocre programmer. In theory, we have nothing in common, so many people may wonder, how do you get along?

Well, first of all, it's inevitable that I am often criticized in daily life, and sometimes she can be silly, and I also make fun of her.

Let me tell you two stories:

  1. One day, I told her, "Did you know, dear? People born under the Taurus sign are awesome." She was surprised and said, "Oh, so you believe in astrology?" Then I enthusiastically told her, "Do you know that one of the earliest recorded supernova explosions in human history occurred in the Taurus constellation (SN 1054, in the year 1054)? She was speechless for ten minutes.

  2. One night, I was trying to coax her to sleep, and I said, "Darling, it's almost midnight, you should go to sleep." She immediately replied, "It's only 11 o'clock in Japan right now." I was stunned for ten minutes. (Meow?)

Well, these are just jokes. Although it seems like we are from two different worlds, we still have many things in common, and we deliberately try to get closer to each other's habits in our daily lives. For example, we go to see musicals together (watching too many musicals can be hard on the wallet), and then we criticize together, such as the actors in the recent performance of "Faust" not being good enough, or the flaws in the actors in "Don Quixote." Of course, I also introduce her to useful electronic products and recommend software to her (of course, she often complains, "You already told me about this, you idiot!" (And then I successfully got her into the RSS subscription pit).

Of course, if you ask her why she likes me, the only reason she gives is that she is blind (escape).

Daily Life#

As ordinary people, our daily lives are actually similar to most ordinary people's lives. It consists of warmth and surprises, as well as complaints and tolerance.

Speaking for myself, as a programmer, especially in the past two years, I have gone through many significant changes and faced many critical moments. Due to the nature of my profession, although I don't work 996 (9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week), I still leave home early in the morning and come back late at night. After a long day, I am often exhausted. To be honest, my health has not been good. From last year to this year, I have had many minor health issues. In such a situation, having someone by your side is of great significance to me.

I have told her before that the most direct change she has brought to me is a sense of belonging to this city. Every morning when I leave home, I have someone to hug, and when I come home at night, I have someone to hug. This ritualistic behavior has given me a rare sense of belonging to Beijing. It has made me completely abandon the idea of being a digital nomad drifting between different cities.

She is also someone who is good at giving me small surprises and has a sense of life. Whether it's a bouquet of flowers she prepared for me before I started my job or the small plants she keeps at home, such as Baby's Breath and Jasmine, they make our home feel alive. And sometimes, when you feel down, she will suddenly appear with your favorite food to cheer you up and encourage you to keep going.

Recent Surprise

Of course, in a relationship, besides warmth and surprises, there are also constant complaints and tolerance.

For example, due to my busy work schedule and my own laziness, I often make a mess at home. She would complain and threaten to break up with me while cleaning up. And then there was the time she made a snowball cocktail, and I drank too much and pretended to be dead on the bed. She would scold me for being a fool and then come over every now and then to check if I was okay.

Well, in our daily life, there is also an important component! That is, being lovey-dovey!

Ah, whenever I intentionally or unintentionally show affection in our technical group, she always worries and asks, "Will you get beaten up for doing this?" I say yes, and then she says, "Oh, then I can rest assured."



Well, pets are a very important part of our daily life, so let me talk about them separately.

First, let me introduce our four cats at home.


Little nephew Daxiong, currently living in Shandong, likes to sing, scratch, rap, and fish. He is currently memorizing "Snow in the Garden."


Well-behaved eldest daughter, Doudou, a former stray cat, is very well-behaved. When she or I don't feel well, she will come over and keep us company. This often leads to her complaining, "You don't love me as much as you love Doudou!"


Rebellious granddaughter, Qiuqian, has a fluctuating appearance and sometimes likes to cause trouble.

Because of these three cats, I remember that our first topic of conversation was how to get Daxiong neutered. Through this opportunity, we deepened our feelings and got to know each other better. Ah, the great Comrade Daxiong, long live!

Oh, I suddenly remembered another story about Qiuqian. In October last year, I was doing housekeeping. Qiuqian was scared and hid in an unknown corner of the house. When I came home, I thought Qiuqian was lost and cried while searching for her in the neighborhood. My dear comforted me, saying, "Don't cry, I'll help you find her."

Well, these four cats have different meanings to us at different times. Of course, the daily routine of having cats at home is that when a cat steals food or breaks a cosmetic product, my dear always complains to me, "Look at the cats you raised! You owe me compensation." (Feeling helpless.jpg)


In the past year, fortunately, despite numerous small disputes, we have not had any fights. We raise cats together, read books together, do pottery together, and have reached our anniversary together. In this year, we have set many goals and hopes for the future, such as studying in Canada, working together to buy our dream house, taking a gap year in Kyoto, Japan, and so on.

Although I have said this many times, I want to say it again: "Darling, I appreciate and enjoy your love."

I love you, my dear. Happy one-year anniversary!

Oh, by the way, many people ask who the person mentioned in my article is. Let me introduce her again. Her name is Jingche (also my nickname), and she is from Shandong. Here, both Jingche and I say hello to everyone!

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